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The Arthurian Tradition by John Matthews
The Arthurian Tradition by John Matthews

The Arthurian Tradition
By John Matthews
Book (Paperback)
AEON Books
5 1/2 x 8 1/2
144 pages
December 31, 2011The myths and legends of King Arthur and his knights, of the enchanter Merlin, and of their quests and adventures, form one of the greatest cycles of stories ever composed. In this book the most important tales are explored in depth by one of the world's best known authorities on this subject. Also included are a series of meditational exercise to help the reader find his or her way to the heart of the Arthurian mysteries.

John Matthews has been a practicing shaman for over 30 years and is a leading authority on Celtic traditions, Grail and Arthurian legends, and the tarot. He is the author of a number of successful divinatory systems based on early spiritual beliefs and has acted as an adviser on several motion pictures, including Jerry Bruckheimer’s King Arthur.



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