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Tarot de Fuego by Ricardo Covolo | Lo Scarabo
Tarot de Fuego by Ricardo Covolo | Lo ScaraboTarot de Fuego by Ricardo Covolo | Lo ScaraboTarot de Fuego by Ricardo Covolo | Lo ScaraboTarot de Fuego by Ricardo Covolo | Lo ScaraboTarot de Fuego by Ricardo Covolo | Lo Scarabo

Featuring high-energy art that pops with bold colors and fiery motifs, Ricardo Cavolo's Tarot del Fuego is a deck that invites you deep into the heart of the spirit in a unique way. With rosy-cheeked figures and omnipresent eyes of fire, nothing escapes the notice of one who reads with this adventurous deck.

The companion booklets for most Lo Scarabeo decks are in five languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, and German.


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