Title: Awakening
Series: Air Energy Manifestation
Size: 30" in Length
This ladder of Intent is comprised of: (top to bottom, in order)
- Wax Cord
- Brass Bell (cleanses and wards off negativity when rung)
- Rooster Tail Feathers (confidence, appreciation of beauty, clarity, helps with setting boundaries)
- Amazonite (soothing and balancing)
- Jasper Arrowhead (grounding, Earth/Pachamama energy, meditation with special earth-conscious)
- Clear Quartz (amplification of all surrounding resources)
- Labradorite (strength and perseverance)
- Aquamarine (cleansing, and inspires truth, trust and letting go)
- Fluorite (absorbs and neutralizes negative energy and stress)
- Buffalo Bone Bead (symbol of provision, abundance, and prosperity)
- Rooster+Goose+Pheasant (grounding, clarity, fertility, growth)