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1111 The Time Prompt Phenomenon By Marie D. Jones, Larry Flaxman
1111 The Time Prompt Phenomenon By Marie D. Jones, Larry Flaxman

11:11 The Time Prompt Phenomenon Mysterious Signs, Sequences, and Synchronicities By Marie D. Jones, Larry Flaxman

"Numbers. Math. Mathematical ratios. This is the language of the Universe speaking to us on a level our conscious minds may not always understand. But the deeper mind does. In this fascinating book, the authors delve into the world of time prompts, synchronicities, number sequences, the language of numbers and the power of the human brain to focus and use the law of attraction to bring us what we want. It's all here, and it all begins with paying attention and noticing when the clock reads 11:11." - Amy Leigh Mercree bestselling author, medical intuitive, author of A Little Bit of Meditation, Essential Oils Handbook, Apple Cider Vinegar Handbook, The Compassion Revolution

11:11: The Time Prompt Phenomenon is a splendid compilation offering insight into the spiritual and scientific aspects of numbers. As an Intuitive Medium and number enthusiast, I wholeheartedly believe that Spirit provides the perfect message at the perfect time via the perfect messenger, and many times these messages are in the form of numerical sequences. Fulfilling my own fascination of numbers, Marie D. Jones and Larry Flaxman’s book is truly impressive and will leave you enthralled.” — Shelly Wilson, author of 28 Days to a New You, Connect to the You Within, and Journey into Consciousness

“Is it happening to you? You wake up at night, look at the clock, and notice that it is 11:11 p.m. It happens repeatedly, and you think it is a coincidence, but then you start to discover that it is happening to others all around the world and you wonder. Reports of people noticing strange and repeated associations with the number 11 are on the rise, prompting theories connecting this phenomenon with the advent of the new Mayan calendar. But it's not just the number 11 that is showing up in people's lives, it is often accompanied by unusual events or profound insights. Mysterious numbers and strange sequences appear throughout the history of human experience. What do they mean? What secrets do they keep? Are these wake-up calls to a higher state of consciousness? In this fascinating new work, 11:11 The Time Prompt Phenomenon will explore the mysteries of 11:11 and the many other ways in which numbers compose the very foundation of our reality.” — Atherton Drenth, author of The Intuitive Dance

"If you've ever seen repeated number sequences and wondered what they were trying to tell you, Jones and Flaxman offer a comprehensive guide to both the scientific and spiritual aspects of these mysterious time prompts. This is a wonderful book that will completely change your relationship with numbers and open your eyes to the powerful symbolism behind number patterns." — Nick Redfern author of many books including The Real Men in Black

"A beautifully written exploration of digital synchronicity and the sacred mysteries encoded in numbers. As someone who struggles with dyscaculia (numerical dyslexia), I appreciate how the authors explain complex mathematical concepts so that even a lay person like myself can understand them. Bravo!" - Laurie Nadel, PhD, Psychotherapist and author of The Five Gifts

"Get ready for a new appreciation of the mystical, magical world of numbers as Jones and Flaxman take you on a rollercoaster ride through the workings of the brain, the levels of mind and consciousness, even the deep and murky world of archetypes. The Universe, God, angels, higher source, or whatever you choose to call it, is speaking to you all the time via number sequences and synchronicities, but as the authors warn, you must pay attention to see and understand the messages. 11:11 covers every aspect of why numbers are the highest form of communication between our normal waking state, and elevated levels of awareness that can help us live a better life." — Kac Young, PhD author of The Healing Art of Crystals

"See 11:11 all the time? How about 333, or 444? These enigmatic time prompts or number sequences are the language of the Universe speaking to you all the time. But do you understand why they are so important, what they are trying to tell you, and how the brain actually processes numbers and number symbols? The answers to these and more questions will surprise you. This book covers the mysterious world of numbers and what they might be trying to tell us—individually, and collectively." — Joshua P. Warren, author of Use the Force and TV personality

“See 11:11 all the time? How about 333, or 444? In my family, we see 222 which relates to my mother who was born on 2-22. The world of numbers is fascinating and mysterious! If you ever wondered about the repeated number sequences you see and what they might be trying to tell you, Jones and Flaxman take you on a rollercoaster ride through the levels of mind and consciousness. This book covers every aspect of why numbers are the highest form of communication between our normal waking state, and elevated levels of awareness that can help us live a better life." — Chellie Campbell, author The Wealthy Spirit and Zero to Zillionaire

“If you ever wondered about the repeated number sequences you see and what they might be trying to tell you, Jones and Flaxman take you on a rollercoaster ride through the levels of mind and consciousness." —Chellie Campbell, author The Wealthy Spirit and Zero to Zillionaire

Do you wake up every night and see 11:11 on the clock? Or 3:33? 4:44? Does the same number sequence seem to appear throughout your life over and over? Did you know that millions of people all over the world experience the same phenomenon?

These mysterious number sequences are known as “time prompts,” and show up on digital clocks, cell phones, receipts, billboards, advertisements, and other places. They seem like pure coincidence, but what if they are actually messages from a higher source, like angels, guides, or even the Universe itself, urging you to pay attention to something important?

This book explores the many theories about what these number sequences are, including:

  • The science behind synchronicities, coincidences, and the mathematical nature of reality
  • Numerical patterns and sacred geometry in nature—such as the Fibonacci spiral, the golden ratio, and DNA sequences


Enter the intriguing world of time prompts. If numbers are the language of the Universe, what are they saying to you?

Marie D. Jones has an extensive background in metaphysics, cutting edge science and the paranormal. She currently serves as a Consultant and Director of Special Projects for ARPAST, the Arkansas Paranormal and Anomalous Studies Team, where she works with ARPAST President and co-author Larry Flaxman to develop theories that can tested in the field. Marie has been featured on the History Channel’s “Nostradamus Effect” series, and served as a special UFO/abduction consultant for the 2009 Universal Pictures science fiction movie, “The Fourth Kind".

Larry Flaxman has been actively involved in paranormal research and hands-on field investigation for over thirteen years, and melds his technical, scientific, and investigative backgrounds together for no-nonsense, scientifically objective explanations regarding a variety of anomalous phenomena. He is the President and Senior Researcher of ARPAST, the Arkansas Paranormal and Anomalous Studies Team, which he founded in February of 2007. Larry is also active in the development of cutting edge custom designed equipment for use in the field investigating environmental effects and anomalies that may contribute to our understanding of the paranormal.



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