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Pleiadian Principles for Living By Christine Day
Pleiadian Principles for Living By Christine Day

A Guide to Accessing Dimensional Energies, Communicating With the Pleiadians, and Navigating These Changing Times 


The Pleiadians call this time the New Dawning, a time for us to renounce our fear-based, three-dimensional illusions and consciously align with the new fourth- and fifth-dimensional energies that are anchoring on our planet.

Are you ready?

How can we live by Pleiadian principles and use them to assist us in our enlightenment process? This second major title channeled by Christine Day is a spiritual but practical roadmap that will show you how to navigate through these challenging, changing times, to understand the roles presaged by our conscious choice. With the clarity offered by Pleiadian Principles for Living, you will learn:

  • To understand the current changes facing Earth and what is to come
  • To activate pre-agreements made to support us in our mission
  • How to use tools and sacred sounds that provide opportunities to work with the energetic matrix of crop circles, providing knowledge and activations
  • How to use step-by-step tools for harnessing the energy of the Earth’s natural forces through telepathic communion and communication with the Spiritual realms and all energetic alliances within the Universe

    Pleiadian Principles for Living offers unique access to a wide variety of online audio files, featuring unlimited journeys of light initiations to support all readers in their individual awakening and evolution to their Spiritual home.
    Christine Day, known as the Pleiadian Ambassador for the planet, has been an internationally renowned spiritual teacher, healer, and channeler for 25 years. She is the author of Pleiadian Initiations of Light and Pleiadian Principles for Living. Day is fulfilling her mission to bring the teachings, channeled messages, and information from the Pleiadians in order to awaken humanity, through her live transmissions, seminars, and online classes. She currently lives in Grand Marais, Minnesota. For more information go to ChristineDayOnline.com.



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