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Let's See Your True Colors!

Colors can have various meanings depending on different cultures, example... in some cultures White is the color of death, where as in others its commonly interpreted as a color of purity. None of the information we have on this site will be right or wrong. Everyone brings subjectivity to interpreting signs and omens. Colors are no different.

What is important with color is that it resonates with you. If you believe that Red is a Masculine color while Blue was Feminine you would not be wrong. ((Note..This was and is actually believed)) The true power of colors comes from you and what you intend for that color to represent.

Below you will find what I have channeled and researched, always feel free to send emails to info@thefoxesden.com if you see errors or mistakes in any parts of this site. (There might be a reward in it for ya!)

Metaphysical Properties of Colors By Little Fox

Red (Incl. Black): Passion - Primal Power - Bravery
Chakra - Base - Muladhara
Zodiac - Aries & Scorpio
Healing Crystals in the Range: Garnet, Red Coral, Fire Agate, Red Jasper, Lightning Jasper, Carnelian, Hematite, Smokey Quartz, Obsidian
Elements - Earth and Fire
Physical - Feet, Hips, spine, Intestines, Perineum
Emotional - Protection, Trust, Survival,
Mental - Connectedness, inability to let things go, lack of abundance, Stress related forgetfulness and fog
Malfunction - Security, Lack of Vitality, food/health issues, un-grounded
Tone - C
Planets and Zodiac - Earth, Pluto, Saturn - Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus



Orange: Creation
Chakra - Sacral - Svadisthana
Zodiac - Gemini Cancer, Scorpio
Healing Crystals: Amber, Carnelian, Citrine, Orange Aventurine, Calcite, Sunstone
Elements - Fire & Water
Physical - Bladder, Lower back, Ovaries, Testes, Uterus
Emotional - Creative, Passionate, Sexuality, Desire, Guilt, Anger, Fear
Mental - Creation Wisdom, Interactive within relationships, Sexual memories and fantasies.
Malfunction - Lower Back Pain, Fertility Issues, Passion, Sexual Dysfunction, Emotional stability
Tone - D
Planets - Moon, Pluto, Jupiter




Yellow: Will
Chakra - Solar Plexus - Manipura
Zodiac - Leo, Aries, and Gemini
Healing Crystals in the Range - Pyrite, Yellow Sapphire, Citrine, Lemon Quartz, Tigers Eye, Pineapple Calcite, Yellow Fluorite, Yellow Garnet.
Elements - Fire
Physical - Gallbladder, Stomach, Digestion, Pancreas, Liver, Nervous System
Emotional - Empowerment, Emotional, Joy, Spontaneity, Self Will, authority, intellect
Mental - Intelligence, Manifestation, Ambition, "Can do", intention
Malfunction - Control Issues, Fatigue, Anxiety, Stomach Ulcers, slow metabolism, Lack of Self Belief
Tone - E
Planets - Sun, Mars, Mercury



Green (Incl. Pink): Understanding

Chakra - Heart - Anahata
Zodiac - Taurus, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn
Healing Stones - Amazonite, Fuchite, Calcite, Malachite, Ocean Jasper, Tourmaline, Moldavite, Emerald, Dioptase, Alexandrite, Tree Agate, Jade
Elements - Earth and Water
Physical - Breathing, Circulation, Heart, Lungs, Arms, Hands, Fingers, Immune system.
Emotional - Self Love, Love of Nature & others, forgiveness, compassion, vulnerability, trust, and empathy
Mental - In/Co-Dependence, Fear, Isolation, centered-ness, Self Love, love of others and Nature.
Malfunction - Lack of Self Love, Heart Problems, Fear, depression, loneliness, lack of self love.
Tone - F
Planets - Venus, Earth





Blue: Expression
Chakra - Throat - Visuddha
Zodiac - Virgo, Aquarius, Pisces, Sagittarius, Aries, Gemini
Healing Crystals in the Range - Lapis Lazuli, Blue Lace Agate, Blue Apatite, Calcite, Kyanite, Laramar, Turquoise
Elements - Air & Water
Physical - Breathing, Throat, Vocal Chords, Neck, Jaw, Thyroid, Lungs
Emotional - Expression, communication, Power of choice,
Mental - Self-Expression, Communication, memories, innovation
Malfunction - lack of connection with Guides/Angels/Loved Ones, Creative Blockages, Cold/Flu, Depression
Tone - G
Planets - Moon, Venus




Indigo: Perception
Chakra - Third Eye - Anja
Zodiac - Pices, Libra, Virgo
Healing Crystals in the Range - Amethyst, Iolite, Azurite, Imperial Jasper, Fluorite, Aurauralite, Tourmaline
Elements - Air
Physical - Pituitary Gland, Brain, Eyes, Sinuses, Ears, Nose
Emotional - Inspiration, Intuition, Dreams, Perception
Mental - Wisdom, Intuition, Mind Power, Inspiration
Malfunction - Insomnia, hallucinations, Dizziness, Amnesia, Nervous Breakdown, Nightmares
Tone - A
Planets and Zodiac - Moon, Jupiter, Neptune

Yin & Yang




Chakra - Crown - Sahasrara
Zodiac - Aquarius, Gemini, Sagittarius
Healing Crystals in the Range - Clear Quartz, Clear Calcite, Selenite, Sugalite, Moonstone, Opalite
Elements - Air
Physical - High Vibration/Frequency, Skull, Pineal Gland, Cerebral Brain, Nervous System
Emotional - Peace, Clarity, Angelic Communication, Cosmic Healing
Mental - Higher Self, Divine Perception
Malfunction - Alzheimer, Epilepsy, Spiritual obsession, Depression, Idealism, Confusion
Tone - B
Planets and Zodiac - Sun, Uranus, Mercury

Yin & Yang

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