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Angel Messages by Maudy Fowler and Gail Hunt
Angel Messages by Maudy Fowler and Gail Hunt

"In life, we are blessed to have our Angels help guide, protect, and comfort us. Maudy reassured me what I have always felt and known. I am so thrilled that Maudy and Gail, with their extraordinary wisdom and love, bring people closer to their own wonderful and personal experiences."
—Carnie Wilson, Singer and Actor

Your loved ones in heaven are with you all the time

In Angel Messages, Maudy Fowler and Gail Hunt confirm what many people intuitively feel—angels share messages from our loved ones and they help us when we need them most. Feel the arms of the angels embrace you as you focus on the love, light, and laughter that come when you open up to these profound messages. Discover how to hear the angels as they provide guiding signs, and experience the peace and comfort of tapping into your own spiritual connection. Sharing beautiful stories and warmhearted messages, this book helps you feel the love that can only come from that special place that's beyond this world.

Pub Date: November 2016
Product Type: Trade Paperback
Page Count: 216 pages
Size: 5 x 8 x 1 IN

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