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The Fey Tarot Deck by Lo Scarabeo
The Fey Tarot Deck by Lo ScarabeoThe Fey Tarot Deck by Lo ScarabeoThe Fey Tarot Deck by Lo ScarabeoThe Fey Tarot Deck by Lo ScarabeoThe Fey Tarot Deck by Lo Scarabeo

The Fey creatures, with their otherworldly air, inhabit our world through myth and story—and now through this extraordinary tarot.

The artist creates landscapes for the mind and soul and peoples those landscapes with mysterious and intriguing Fey folk. Through a powerful use of color and composition, this art is nothing short of joyful.

The Fey Tarot provides us with a window to an enchanted world that cannot help but move and capture the heart.

One of Aeclectic Tarot's Top Ten Decks of All Time

The companion booklets for most Lo Scarabeo decks are in five languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, and German.


Pub Date: December 2004
Product Type: Boxed Deck
Size: 3 x 5 x 1 IN

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