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Tarocchino Mitelli Deck by Giuseppe Maria Mitelli
Tarocchino Mitelli Deck by Giuseppe Maria MitelliTarocchino Mitelli Deck by Giuseppe Maria MitelliTarocchino Mitelli Deck by Giuseppe Maria MitelliTarocchino Mitelli Deck by Giuseppe Maria MitelliTarocchino Mitelli Deck by Giuseppe Maria Mitelli
One of the most important decks in the history of tarot, the Mitelli deck is a 'Tarocchino,' a deck of 62 cards created for a variant of the game of tarot. Part of Lo Scarabeo's Anima Antiqua series (Ancient Soul), this deck has been loving recreated on high quality stock. This is a limited edition and numbered deck.The companion booklets for most Lo Scarabeo decks are in five languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, and German.
Boxed Deck 3.25" x 5.25"

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