Title: Replenish
Series: Earth Energy Manifestation
Size: 30" in Length
This ladder of Intent is comprised of: (top to bottom, in order)
- Wax Cord
- Multi-Gem Wire Tree of Life (Tree of Life symbol represents our personal development, uniqueness, and individual beauty. It also represents the afterlife, and connection between the earth and heaven)
- Mookaite Jasper (Restoration for the body, boost the immune system, and help counter the effects of aging
- Clear Quartz (amplification of all surrounding resources)
- Pheasant Feather (grounding, clarity, fertility, growth)
- Arrowhead (grounding, Earth/Pachamama energy, meditation with special earth-conscious)
- Amethyst Wand (stimulate, and soothe, the mind and emotion)
- White/Engraved Buffalo Bone Bead (symbol of provision, abundance, and prosperity)
- Buffalo Bone Hair Pipe Bead (symbol of provision, abundance, and prosperity)
- Brass Bell (cleanses and wards off negativity when rung)
- Goose Wing Feather (clarity, family, taking lead)