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Harmonious Illumination I - Ceremonial Prayer Feather Wand with Jasper Arrowhead
Harmonious Illumination I - Ceremonial Prayer Feather Wand with Jasper ArrowheadHarmonious Illumination I - Ceremonial Prayer Feather Wand with Jasper ArrowheadHarmonious Illumination I - Ceremonial Prayer Feather Wand with Jasper ArrowheadHarmonious Illumination I - Ceremonial Prayer Feather Wand with Jasper ArrowheadHarmonious Illumination I - Ceremonial Prayer Feather Wand with Jasper Arrowhead

Prayer and Smudge feathers are traditionally used when burning sage, herbs or incense during prayer or cleansing ceremonies. The feather directs the smoke where you want it to go, such as to the Great Spirit, to cover yourself, or to the energetic space for protection.

“The smudging ceremony has been a sacred ritual for the Native American peoples, as well as for other tribal peoples, for thousands of years. It is a ritual of cleansing and purification for the physical and spiritual bodies. Smudging is used to cleanse the energy fields of each person, animal, rock, plant, or home,” Silver Wolf Walks Alone.

The feathers used for a ceremony are as important as the smudge. The Prayer feather has a vibration, just as the cleansing herbs it is used with. These are vibrations from the color of the feather and the aura of the bird in which the feather came. The feather not only guides the sacred smoke around your body or room, but it also fluffs up your auric field.

Birds of prey may be the most revered birds of the Native American peoples and many tribes use their feathers for decoration and ceremonies. Game and songbirds were appreciated for their different qualities, symbols, and totems in Native American culture. Turkey, Goose, and Duck feathers are often used in Native American featherwork such as ceremonial fans and headdresses. Songbird and exotic bird feathers from Central and South America were often traded among tribes and were considered very special for the medicinal qualities. In Mayan culture, Turkey was used to serve the elite and used in ceremonies for healing, planting, and praying for rain according to Mauricio Espinoza.

Native peoples believe that all living things have lessons to teach us. Feathers can remind us of the wisdom, experience, and medicinal power of a particular bird. Each bird has something they can teach us or has a special significance to each of us.

Harmonious Illumination I consists of:
Feathers (Turkey, Peacock, & Goose)
Gold Faux Leather Wand
15 x 20 mm Green Jasper Arrowhead Specimen.


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