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Dimensional Dance | Fire Energy Manifestation Series
Dimensional Dance | Fire Energy Manifestation SeriesDimensional Dance | Fire Energy Manifestation SeriesDimensional Dance | Fire Energy Manifestation SeriesDimensional Dance | Fire Energy Manifestation SeriesDimensional Dance | Fire Energy Manifestation SeriesDimensional Dance | Fire Energy Manifestation SeriesDimensional Dance | Fire Energy Manifestation SeriesDimensional Dance | Fire Energy Manifestation SeriesDimensional Dance | Fire Energy Manifestation SeriesDimensional Dance | Fire Energy Manifestation SeriesDimensional Dance | Fire Energy Manifestation Series

Title: Dimensional Dance

Series: Fire Energy Manifestation

Size: 27" in Length

This ladder of Intent is comprised of (Top to Bottom in order)

  • Wax Cord
  • Goose (trust, honor, strength, wisdom, power, and freedom)
  • Rooster (a symbol of the sun, resurrection, protection and fertility (particularly for men).
  • Pheasant Feathers (confidence, appreciation of beauty, clarity, helps with setting boundaries)
  • Buffalo Bone Bead x2 (symbol of provision, abundance, and prosperity)
  • Quartz(most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet, enhances muscle testing, cleanses and enhances organ function, enhances Psychic abilities, and unlocks memories)
  • Fossil Ammonite
  • Serpentine Arrow
  • Rooster (see above)
  • Citrine (Prosperity, food fortune, regeneration, and cleansing)
  • Pyrite x3 (financial gain, grounding, root chakra stabalizer)
  • Tourmalinated Quartz ( assists with stress and trauma, clear negativity for this life and the next)
  • Druzy Quartz ( A druzy is a set of tiny crystals of minerals that form on the surface of another stone. There are many types of druzy, because there are many types of minerals. Each type of druzy has particular characteristics, such as crystal size, luster, and color.)

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