"Anne Stokes has done an excellent job of bringing together the essence of H.P. Lovecraft's work, along with the storyline presented by Donald Tyson, into a stunning deck."—Aeclectic Tarot
"[Necronomicon Tarot] is most pleasantly creepy, and Lovecraft would have loved it."—Colin Wilson, The Necronomicon: The Book of Dead Names
"Fascinating and well-crafted."—Ghostvillage.com
"This beautiful, well thought out set would be a perfect addition to any collection—whether you collect tarot decks, mythos inspired art, or both! I would certainly recommend this set to fans of Lovecraft and the mythos, regardless of whether or not they are into tarot, as the artwork itself makes this a wonderful item to have."—TempleofDagon.com
"Anyone steeped in Lovecraft's mythos, or curious to learn more, will find this Tarot and book set well worth the shiver or two it may invoke."—SFsite.com
"It's a great working deck, particularly for scrying."—Key64.net