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Hematoid Quartz and Grossular Garnet - 20
Hematoid Quartz and Grossular Garnet - 20Hematoid Quartz and Grossular Garnet - 20Hematoid Quartz and Grossular Garnet - 20Hematoid Quartz and Grossular Garnet - 20Hematoid Quartz and Grossular Garnet - 20Hematoid Quartz and Grossular Garnet - 20Hematoid Quartz and Grossular Garnet - 20Hematoid Quartz and Grossular Garnet - 20

Hematoid Quartz is a member of the quartz family with iron deposits inside (in the form of hematite and/or limonite). Hematoid Quartz is also known as Specularite Quartz, Fire Quartz, while the yellow and brownish versions are known as Golden Healer Quartz. With Quartz being a natural amplifier of other crystal energy, these transformational gemstones are extremely balancing due to the iron which is in Hematite form.

Keywords: Manifestation, Grounding, making the spiritual physical.
Element: Earth
Chakras: Root (1st)


Garnet is commonly thought of as a deep red, when in fact it comes in a myriad of colors. All types of Garnets carry the energy of prosperity and enjoyment of worldly pleasures. They are tools to manifest creative imagination in the physical 3-d world. 

Grossular Garnet

The term Grossular actually contains African Green Garnet (Which this necklace is made from) and Tsavorite out of Kenya. The name stems from the Latin for Gooseberries due to the color. 

African Green Garnets are grounders of abundant manifestation. They are tools to bring one's visions to reality. It heals Health and Wealth and carries strong regenerative energy. 

Keywords: Prosperity, Health
Element: Earth
Chakras: Solar Plexus (3rd), Heart (4th)

This Necklace is 20" in length and consists of:
Hematoid Quartz Pendant 10x35mm
8mm Grossular Garnet
1" carved Wooden Beads
Wax Cord


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