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Sodalite Raven Skulls Crystal Carving - Medium
Sodalite Raven Skulls Crystal Carving - MediumSodalite Raven Skulls Crystal Carving - MediumSodalite Raven Skulls Crystal Carving - MediumSodalite Raven Skulls Crystal Carving - MediumSodalite Raven Skulls Crystal Carving - MediumSodalite Raven Skulls Crystal Carving - MediumSodalite Raven Skulls Crystal Carving - MediumSodalite Raven Skulls Crystal Carving - MediumSodalite Raven Skulls Crystal Carving - MediumSodalite Raven Skulls Crystal Carving - MediumSodalite Raven Skulls Crystal Carving - MediumSodalite Raven Skulls Crystal Carving - MediumSodalite Raven Skulls Crystal Carving - MediumSodalite Raven Skulls Crystal Carving - Medium

Hungry for knowledge? Sodalite is what you need... A raven will help you manifest information the necessary information and understanding you need to be successful and help others through their journey and yours. 

These carvings will measure differently, however, their average is as follows: 

3" in length x 3" depth x 4.75" height and weighs 15 oz

Sodalite is a stone of insight, enhancing the use of key abilities such as Analysis, intuition, creativity, efficiency, structure, and discipline. The Largest deposit is in Bahia Brazil. You need this on your desk if you are a writer, business person, teacher, and/or Philosophy lovers!

Sodalite helps you put together patterns and aid numerologists, astrologers, Tarot readers, and other oracle readers. Sodalite brings forward the patterns of energy and enables them to relate on a personal level. Sodalite can act as a transformational energy guide, helpful for Shamanic Journey Work.

Keywords: Strength, Persistence, Protection, Divine Knowledge, Bravery. 

Element: Water

Chakra: All

Raven Symbolism

I am going to have to do a blog on just Ravens for this one! There is so much out there! They are a stunning and important animal in al capacities to various cultures! 

Here is a Little Fox Summary for you... 

~The Raven spirit animal indicates that you are on the verge of manifesting something that you have been working towards for a while. Be watchful over the next few days as the raven omen will guide and teach you.

~Expect a big change soon. And watch out for any imbalances. If there is some injustice happening, speak against it. The raven may point you to a future event that will be impacting you directly.

~Call upon the Raven goddess or raven spirit animal if you are unsure about someone’s character or feel that someone may be tricking or deceiving you. You can even call them if you are expecting a significant change in your life and need guidance.

~Crows and ravens are highly spiritual totem animals that indicate you have a deep spiritual connection, which you mustn’t ignore. You are also on the brink of transformation and your divine purpose may be revealing itself.

~Raven encourages you to connect from the physical or materialistic plane and move to the spiritual realm. It is a deeply beautiful and sensitive bird that asks you to observe and see things from all angles. It can offer you supreme foresight, insight, and hindsight. If a raven totem animal shows up, it is asking you to connect directly with it instead of using tools like angels, crystals, or cards.

~Raven power animals are an ally to those who have had difficult childhoods. The raven is very child-like and spontaneous. He can fly between worlds and bring messages to and fro.

~Raven also forewarns of danger and that is why many tribes and hunters mimic the cry of the raven to signal to their friends about impending dangers.


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