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The Camphor Plant: A Powerful Spiritual Ally

Camphor, cinnamomum camphora, is an oil extracted from the Camphor tree, a close relative of cinnamon. 

The sacred plant has long been treasured for it's healing powers, revered in many cultures through India and Asia. As per the ancient Indian scripture and holy text, Camphor symbolizes a strong connection with the sacred and celestial. When burnt or diffused, Camphor releases fumes that signify becoming pure with the help of the divine.

The scent of Camphor is delightful, menthol-like, and nose prickling. The aroma awakens subtle peaceful healing agents by manifesting ethereal feelings of tranquility. The Camphor tree must be at least 50 years old to produce the sacred, fragrant oil. 

Camphor is a spiritual "Power House." 

Camphor is classically used for spiritual cleansing and purification. If intrusive energies or harmful entities are attaching to you, Camphor can eliminate such forces and cleanse your aura. Burning Camphor in your morning routine makes it unsuitable for lower vibrational entities to survive and drives them away. 

With all the stress, anxiety, and negativity of our world today, it's easy for negative energies to pervade throughout your body and environment. The aroma generated by Camphor significantly releases blocks by banishing timidity, fearfulness, and negative energies, and then enhances the flow of positive peaceful energies.

Camphor essential oil can also be used during Chakra balancing meditations. Place a small portion of the oil on your ring finger and apply it to your third-eye chakra (between your eye-brows) in a circular motion to experience the deep reflection of mindfulness and a heightened sense of awareness within your mind.

Camphor essential oil can also be used during Chakra balancing meditations. Place a small portion of the oil on your ring finger and apply it to your third-eye chakra (between your eye-brows) in a circular motion to experience the deep reflection of mindfulness and a heightened sense of awareness within your mind.

Camphor can be used to purify objects and tools, especially for items and power objects used in ritual magic. A few drops of Camphor oil on a power object can imbue protective and purifying capabilities. 

Due to its protective qualities, if you find yourself in a dangerous situation or in the midst of perilous travels, a few drops of Camphor oil on your clothes can create a protective shield around you.  

Camphor can also help purify and cleanse new spaces like homes, apartments, or offices. Burn some Camphor oil in an oil burner in your new space to rid it of old, stagnant, or harmful energies that may be lingering from the previous tenant.

Medicinal Benefits of Camphor

Burn Camphor during your morning rituals and take advantage of the anti-fungal and antibacterial medicinal properties that caste off bacteria in your environment. 

As an alternative medicine, Camphor is especially useful for fighting colds and flu. Adding 8-10 drops in a bath can work miracles for the sinuses due to its menthol aroma. A few drops massaged into the chest and upper back helps treat congestion problems. The cool, pungent aroma of Camphor can instantly clear the sinuses - Camphor is the main ingredient in Vaporubs for this reason. 

Camphor is also useful for treating aches and pains in the muscles and joints. Used topically, Camphor can treat sunburns, insect bites, or itchy skin. And for those having issues sleeping, a few drops of the oil can be rubbed on your pillow to induce sleep.

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